Monday, November 3, 2014

Project Prososal

-map subject:
The breakdown of total NFL players by state from the start of the 2013 football season.

-reason why this is your pick
I have always been a football fan. I played the sport for many years while growing up and I continue to enjoy every aspect of the game. I choose this topic because it has always interested me where in the United States most NFL athletes are produced.

-map audience
The audience would be any football fan or more specific, any NFL fan has interest in where these top athletes come from. 

-type of map you're envisioning
The type of map I'm envisioning is a proportional map. 

-scope of map
The United States including Hawaii, Alaska and Washington D.C.

-data specs
The data was collected for the article during the beginning of the 2013 season. The dataset is already broken down by number of players in the NFL and state. The data used for the article seems to be accurate because it was collect from the USA Football organization.

-basemap needed
The United States including Alaska, Hawaii and Washington D.C.

-expected production steps
Expected steps, break down the collected data, get a base map, collect or design a symbol, figure out the correct proportional sizes and put it all together.

-challenges you perceive
