Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blog Assignment #10

The map displayed here is one of possible sinkhole locations across the United States as of 1972. The karst landscapes shown here by two different colors make up the first variable while the lines for shading make up the second variable representing evaporite rocks that are known to be in an area.

Collected from:


Blog Assignment #9

One dot represents one McDonald's. Interesting how many we have in the United States.

Collected from:


Blog Assignment #8

Time to get to anywhere in the conterminous states from New York City, in 1857
Time to get to anywhere in the conterminous states from New York City, in 1857

Blog Assignment #7

The World Tweets Nelson Mandela’s Death

This Proportional symbol map is the worlds tweets of Nelson Mandela's death.

Collected from: